How it all began…

In the frosty mountains, two adventurous souls with a whopping 22-year age gap between them, had a lightbulb moment during a blizzard: why not create a gang for women who crave nature's thrills? Armed with a sketch that looked like a toddler's first attempt at drawing mountains and water, they birthed their brainchild—a logo that was more scribbles than sense. To their surprise, their idea caught on like wildfire, drawing women from all corners of the globe seeking solace, adventure, and camaraderie. Suddenly, they found themselves knee-deep in organizing group ice plunges and mountain hikes, but amidst the chaos, they couldn't help but crack up at the absurdity of it all. Who knew that a doodle on a crumpled napkin could lead to such wild adventures? But hey, that's the beauty of life—it's full of surprises, especially when you're carving your own path through each new day!

YAY!!! We are so proud of our LOGO!!!