We want you to relax and enjoy your experience with the cold-water immersion. Ice bathing gives you more than just a temporary kick; it has long-term benefits for your health too.

However, it is important to note that ice bath can be physically demanding and may not be suitable for everyone. Exposure to cold water puts stress on the body and affects circulation, heart rate and blood pressure.

Ice bathing is not recommended when you suffer from diabetes, heart or any cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, or after consuming alcohol. You should be feeling fit and healthy.

It is imperative to inform us of any medical conditions or other relevant details before undertaking the ice water immersions. If you are unsure or have any health concerns, please, consult with your doctor first!

Considering this, I declare that I am responsible for my health during and after the cold-water immersion. I release Peak Power Girls from any liability concerning health conditions or accidents that may occur during the ice bath.


